Eli ✨

Eli ✨ Patron

film student :)
Insta: _eli_ttt
Musical enthusiast

<3 ☁️🌙

Favorite films

  • Babylon
  • Clue
  • It Happened One Night
  • Perfect Days

Recent activity

  • Cabaret


  • The Electric State


  • Dancer in the Dark

  • Forgetting Sarah Marshall


Recent reviews

  • Cabaret



    Lady peaceful, lady happy, that’s what i long to be

  • The Electric State

    The Electric State


    I'm not joking when I say this is the most boring movie I've seen in recent years. I didn't know the original material, and so, as one does, I looked it up. Based on what I saw, this movie could have been so so beautiful, with amazing cinematography, a haunting atmosphere, the whole thing could've been beautiful. But, they decided to make it a 320 MILLION dollar blockbuster that looks cheap, with (talented) actors who can't seem to act and…

Popular reviews

  • Past Lives

    Past Lives


    Calming, beautiful, and so sad, all at the same time. Take me back to when I hadn’t see this so I could experience it all over 

    (I started crying and sunscreen got in my eye so for a good 5 minutes, it was just me sitting there with tears rolling down my face, and it wasn’t even at the sad part)

  • Shelby Oaks

    Shelby Oaks


    Fantasia 2024 #4

    Girly, open a light!!
    Girly, don’t go alone!!
    Girly no whyyy

    I liked the pre-title card sequence so damn much, obviously the rest was still very well filmed and well acted/written but holyyy the first 15

    Edit: I’ve been thinking over the movie after conversations with other people. I think my main problem is that everything was decent. Nothing amazing and never before seen, but not bad. If it wasn’t for the crowd and the fact that this was seen in a theatre, the experience would’ve probably just felt flat.