

i have a profound thought sometimes

nb: my likes are my extended favourites

Favorite films

  • Monty Python and the Holy Grail
  • Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
  • The Breakfast Club
  • Slap-Jack

Recent activity

  • Conclave


  • Now or Never!

  • The Brutalist


  • The Killer's Game


Recent reviews

  • Conclave



    thought this was fantastic
    the colour scheme was beautifully striking, the red, white, and black throughout made for some lovely shots
    the MUSIC: good god i loved it!! i am a huge cello fan, this was brilliant
    things to note:
    - loved the use of the photocopier, dean lawrence in his regina george era
    - did that guy hit a pink vape multiple times??

  • Now or Never!

    Now or Never!

    igaz hogy egy évvel később, de rávettem magam hogy megnézzem ezt a mesterművet március alkalmával

    kár volt.

    egy pár dolog amit kiemelnék:
    -a fantasztikus slow mo jelenetek
    -vasvári, a világ legnagyobb chadje
    -petőfi crowdsurfözése (többször is!!!)
    -a teljes mértékben klisé fordulatok
    -az, hogy majdnem minden viccnek helye lenne egy orbán beszédben is
    -az epikus zene
    -"fratelli" és a hirtelen folyékony olasz
    -a borzalmas verekedések
    -júlia, charlie negyedik angyala
    -húú és a végén az a montázs

    úgy érzem ez a film enyhén irónikus...

Popular reviews

  • Twilight



    at least it was entertaining?
    edward looked like a dry heaving cat on coke the entire film
    bella could not get a single word in egdeways between blinking, seizing, and stuttering
    charlie swan looks concerningly like dylan o brien
    taylor lautner is definitely not native
    overall enjoyable though

  • brothergirls.



    cute and fun
    appreciated the tear tracks in the mirror a lot, whether this was a conscious thing or not
    love that a) they took the dog and b) the guy is the worst person ever
