lilly 🧸

lilly 🧸 Patron

top four is seasonal and rotating (currently favorite feminist films for women's history month)

Favorite films

  • Under the Skin
  • Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles
  • Hustlers
  • American Mary

Recent activity

  • It Follows


  • American Mary


  • The Conjuring


  • Would You Rather


Pinned reviews

  • A Real Pain

    A Real Pain


    "You light up a room, and then you shit on everything inside it."

    It was a small thing, but I started crying during the scene where the tour group posed with the statue in Warsaw. In that moment, after the film makes you cringe at Benji's lack of social awareness, it sneaks up on you and reveals the truth beneath the initial reaction. We all know Benjis: people unburdened by social convention, whose boldness embarrasses us but invites us to…

  • Perfect Days

    Perfect Days


    in a film that is deceptively centered around the mundane and repetitive, it's astounding how almost everything is a symbol of transience and mortality—the game of tic-tac-toe, the shots of sunlight and shadows and rippling water, the music. kind of like life, you keep waiting for something to happen, and then you realize it's been happening all along and you've already missed it.

    perfect days is obviously gorgeous and a crowning achievement for wim wenders, but at its core, its a really just a movie about how beautiful the world looks when you step outside in the middle of an eight-hour shift.

    2024 fav watches ranked

Recent reviews

  • It Follows

    It Follows


    fuck you paul you stupid incel fuck

    evolution of horror

  • American Mary

    American Mary


    ugh okay so of course rewatching this now i do have some issues with the stylistic choices the soskas made, namely that they're ugly. but on the other hand this is like maybe one of the only movies i can think of that has really unflinchingly looked the horrors of male entitlement, on every level, in the face. i think that outweighs my issues with the style, especially considering how fucking small the budget was. which like... is really impressive in its own rite. because they actually made it with like $2000 and a prayer.

    also it has an incredibleeeee soundtrack

    evolution of horror

Popular reviews

  • Anora


    tried and failed to be hustlers.

    i had a sense around the midpoint that there would be no punchline; anora would just be a bad movie. and, boy, was i right. this is, at best, a vacuous exercise in directorial masturbation that lacks all but the most academic, voyeuristic interest in its female subjects. a dull, anti-feminist waste of time, anora's only saving grace is a showstopping performance by mikey madison, who manages to deliver an emotional punch in spite…

  • Barbie


    this is such a perfect example of emotional pornography. the emotional moments are shoved in the viewer's face in a way that feels unearned, very similar to the way ads on tv play on viewers' emotions to sell a product. in fact, this whole movie felt like a really long ad.

    overall, barbie substitutes flashiness, chaos, sentimentality, and shallow, reactionary pseudo-feminism for quality storytelling and sincerity. i didn't expect much, and i was still disappointed.

    also, barbie should have told ken to kill himself.