

I’ve never had a bad opinion in my life. Update: every movie I watch is an allegory for being gay.

Favorite films

  • Everything Everywhere All at Once
  • Requiem for a Dream
  • Little Miss Sunshine
  • Ratatouille

Recent activity

  • Next Goal Wins


  • Ratatouille


  • The Lorax


  • Challengers


Recent reviews

  • Next Goal Wins

    Next Goal Wins


    The best decision I’ve ever made in my life was to start liking the movies I actually enjoy, not just the movies everyone else likes (unless I genuinely like them, of course). Anyway, I’m literally crying over a sports movie.

    I watched this for my soccer class—we had to consume a piece of soccer media and write a page on it. I knew about this movie, and I knew a lot of people didn’t like it, but hell, it was…

  • Ratatouille



    this is the perfect movie and it’s so DEI <3

Popular reviews

  • The Lorax

    The Lorax


    Elon Musk should watch this

    Edit because I have more to say: On my first day of student teaching, I walked into the ecology classroom to find them watching this movie—it’s in the curriculum. It’s cheesy at times, but I still cried (in front of high schoolers) during the musical number where the Onceler destroys the land. The scene is heartbreaking and painfully relevant today. At first, he’s just an entrepreneur chasing success, then he justifies his actions as “natural…

  • Zoolander



    Rip Zoolander, you would have loved Pi Beta Phi’s philanthropy READ > LEAD > ACHIEVE® #PRACTICALLYqueercinema