who will win a kiss from daddy
Daniel Day-Lewis can slurp my milkshake any time he wants
Are we all just lying to each other about this movie being good
If your man doesn’t have Calvin Klein Escape, a bed that’s a fuckin art piece, SHORTS IN EVERY COLOR, gold bullets, vampires, blue kool-aid, nun-chuks, blades, dark tanning oil, and Scarface on repeat, then what are you doing with him
Dennis Hopper says some incredible things in this movie, highlights of which include:
baby wants to fuck! baby wants to fuck blue velvet
let’s fuck!! ill fuck anything that moves!!!
fuck you you fucking fuck
Heineken!!!!!!! fuck that shit! Pabst blue ribbon!!
you know what a love letter is??? it’s a bullet straight from a fucking gun, fucker!!!! You receive a love letter from me, you’re fucked forever!!!! You understand, fuck???? I’ll send you straight to hell fucker!!!!!
lets drink to fucking! yeah, say “here’s to your fuck, Frank!” !!!!
Visually stunning, perfectly edited, well directed + acted movie with themes (and an ending) I’m still mulling over. I feel lucky that a movie like this can still get made and that so many friends are lining up to see it. (@BADFILMCLUB BADDIES: pls contact me to discuss.)
Ok less sappy thoughts below:
—Act I > Act II
—Guy Pearce > Adrien Brody > Felicity Jones > everyone else in the cast > the worms that inhabit the earth > Joe Alwyn
—Calling for a moratorium…