

Favorite films

  • Mulholland Drive
  • Inland Empire
  • Stalker
  • Beauty and the Dogs

Recent activity

  • Intimate Confessions of a Chinese Courtesan


  • Queer


  • Possession


  • Cries and Whispers


Recent reviews

  • Queer



    I have never seen a movie that captures the feeling of deep love, loneliness, and vulnerability so well. Daniel Craig's performance is so pure. Be prepared for the emotional intensity that this movie will deliver.

  • Possession



    How can love be this powerful? Well, I think this movie isn't all that fancy. Feelings can be so sensational. Have you ever loved or been loved by a feeling that can't be described by any word? Anger, love, passion, sadness, confusion, and maybe happiness — maybe a mix of all of it, creating an enormous monster. This confusion is well represented in Possession, and I’ll say I don't want to write a
    bloobiblooba review. I just want to tell…

Popular reviews

  • American Honey

    American Honey


    1. +2h de film pour ça ?
    2. Nul
    3. Vraiment l'hétérosexualité à son apogée...
    4. Des blancs qui disent le Nword...
    5. Ce film c'est vrmt comment je voit les gens en école de commerce lol

  • Pixote



    Film dure à regarder comme le reflet de ça triste réalité.
