Lin Beemer

Lin Beemer Pro

avid coffee slurper

Favorite films

  • The Thing
  • Tetsuo: The Iron Man
  • The City of Lost Children
  • Creep

Recent activity

  • OPAL


  • Rabbits


  • Petscop


  • Eraserhead


Recent reviews

  • Petscop



    Kinda cool that I can log this on Letterboxd.

    I watched this years ago as it came out, but wanted to rewatch it, so I did. Looking at it now as a changed person, it's honestly surprisingly linear and more thought-provoking than I initially thought. I think I loved it more now.

  • Eraserhead




Popular reviews

  • Gruesome School Trip

    Gruesome School Trip


    Vooral gekeken voor de nostalgie maar het is nog steeds een prima kinder-horror film. En kudos voor die guy die Graaf Vlapono speelde, wat een genot.

  • Nosferatu



    This movie deserves praise for how utterly faithful it is to not only Nosferatu (1922) but also Stoker's novel Dracula. It clearly took heavily from both source materials (as far as my memory can recall from what I consumed of either works, anyway) and plenty from real world mythology. 
    I was pleasantly surprised to find Count Orlok actually, genuinely, menacing and disgusting, yet he still had a strange allure - which I find really cool considering the more modern version…