Abradolf Lincler

Abradolf Lincler Pro

Favorite films

  • Interstellar
  • Prometheus
  • Tropic Thunder
  • The Prestige

Recent activity

  • No Country for Old Men


  • Wedding Crashers


  • The Hurt Locker


  • Rush Hour


Recent reviews

  • No Country for Old Men

    No Country for Old Men


    One of the best movies that I have ever seen. Great story, great acting, great movie.

  • Wedding Crashers

    Wedding Crashers


    This is a great classic comedy. Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn do a great job as the two best friends that go around crashing weddings and sleeping with hot girls. As you watch this movie I would have to say that all the actors that were chosen to be in this movie were absolutley perfect for the roles that they played. A lot of funny scenes mixed in with a real love story.

Popular reviews

  • Terrifier



    This was probably the worst slasher film that I've ever seen. There isn't a single aspect of this movie that's even remotely believable. The acting was some of the worst that I have seen in any movie ever made. The movie was so bad it's hard to even enjoy the gore scenes. The writers and director of this movie should be straight up embarrassed that they made such a bad movie.

  • No Hard Feelings

    No Hard Feelings

    I knew this movie was going to be bad before I watched it but I figured I might get a few laughs out of it and it was free. Terrible movie. Didn’t really hear anything that I thought was funny or original.

    A lot of this movie didn’t even make sense. Jennifer Lawrence gets hired by this kids parents to “date” their son with the implication that they would also really like it if she fucked their son as well.…