Linus Z

Linus Z Pro

Favorite films

  • In the Mood for Love
  • Children of Men
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion
  • Ghost in the Shell

Recent activity

  • The Garden of Sinners: Overlooking View


  • The Garden of Sinners: A Study in Murder (Part 1)


  • eXistenZ


  • Patlabor 2: The Movie


Pinned reviews

  • The Cat in the Hat

    The Cat in the Hat


    “The Thing cannot be described - there is no language for such abysms of shrieking and immemorial lunacy, such eldritch contradictions of all matter, force, and cosmic order." - The Call of Cthulhu - H.P. Lovecraft

    The Cat in the Hat is a steady descent into madness, characterised by grotesque imagery and deterioration of logic in both situation and character.

    What instantly strikes the audience are the bright colours shown in contrast to the typical dark colours of Lovecraftian lore,…

Recent reviews

  • Once Upon a Time in the West

    Once Upon a Time in the West


    The symbol of the cowboy in the Dollars trilogy represented the adventurous spirit and greed of the Wild West, in reality a short-lived era mythologised through images of gunslingers and landscapes. In Once Upon a Time in the West, the cowboy is now a ghost. Harmonica and Frank are relics of the West, one cursed by his past and the other hunted by a figure who lacks even a name. In an inversion of classic cowboy tropes, Harmonica is a…

  • Devilman Crybaby

    Devilman Crybaby


    Incredibly juvenile, filled with over-the-top violence and nudity whilst also having a strangely paced story with endless anime tropes and fairly one-note characters ---> A melodramatic 2nd half that ends on an incredible final scene that makes the whole series worth watching

Popular reviews

  • Grizzly Man

    Grizzly Man


    2) Watch a film that features a bear.
    Scavenger Hunt #56 - November 2019

    "Treadwell is not an actor in opposition to a director or producer, he's fighting civilisation itself"

    This documentary details the life and final days of the kind warrior, protector and martyr for the grizzly bears of Alaska, Timothy Treadwell. The opening monologue shot by Treadwell himself has a deep and earnest sense of love for these creatures and establishes the sense of death and loss that…

  • The Passion of Joan of Arc

    The Passion of Joan of Arc


    The Passion of Joan of Arc is a story of unshakeable faith and martyrdom. Dominated by the intense close-ups of every scene, the movie captures the intimacy and fear of Joan, as she defends her faith against her accusers.

    Remarkably powerful in its imagery and upheld by compelling performances