Can never pick a favorite! My top four are recent watches I loved ✨
P.S. Will they ever add TV shows that aren’t mini-series. Pls and Ty
This film knew what they were doing casting Ryan Gosling. Blue Valentine is ‘anti-The Notebook.’ It just shows how Noah irl is just a pathetic asshole. Ryan Gosling is so good at playing losers.
I watched this in one sitting RIP. That being said, very strong miniseries! The acting is phenomenal and the show’s subtext is greatly depicted through the family.
Although, this aspect for me fell flat with the school episode. I thought the scene between the son and detective was a lil on the nose. It felt like he was word for word explaining incel culture for the older audience. It made way more sense when Jamie was explaining that to the…
Laugh out loud funny but had a uniquely unsettling tone. Information about the story is brilliantly revealed through seamless dialogue. Dianna Agron is also very underrated. Watch it!
One could argue that the production of the film was problematic but this film is so important. It’s a shame it didn’t have a wider release. I wonder why it had a limited release 🙄. Just higher ups trying to cover their asses.