Ross Macdonald

Ross Macdonald

Favorite films

  • Aliens
  • My Cousin Vinny
  • Jurassic Park
  • North by Northwest

Recent activity

  • I, Tonya


  • The Post


  • The Foreigner


  • My Cousin Vinny


Recent reviews

  • My Cousin Vinny

    My Cousin Vinny


    Essentially a courtroom drama, but, you know, funny?

    The casting is exceptional in this brilliant, wonderful, amusing, heartwarming and hilarious film. Joe Pesci is the fast-talking, wise-cracking lawyer who passed the bar after 6 attempts and is utterly brilliant (as always) as a motor-mouth grifter. However, it's Marisa Tomei as Mona Lisa Vito, who steals every scene from Pesci. The Oscar she got for this couldn't be more deserved; her performance is incendiary, perfectly crafted and an a wonder to…

  • Alien: Covenant

    Alien: Covenant


    One of the worst films I have ever seen. How anyone can say this has any redeeming features is beyond me. The word "Alien" and indeed, the franchise shouldn't be associated with this at all.

    Appalling acting from everyone involved, even Fassbender, who, was the only decent thing in Prometheus, but was double-terrible here. Awful, just...awful.

    It was by the numbers stupid, looking in the egg, landing on a planet they hadn't researched, plot holes with "alien" infection, crew stupidity,…
