

Favorite films

  • Fantastic Mr. Fox
  • Pulp Fiction
  • Yesterday
  • Sing Sing

Recent activity

  • Sing Sing


  • Blue Beetle


  • The Favourite


  • Asteroid City


Recent reviews

  • Sing Sing

    Sing Sing


    Sing Sing, a film that captures the meaning of acting and being open about yourself. This true story is made wonderfully by making every scene, realistic, dangerous and emotional.
    A movie about hardened people who have to serf their time in prison, and find the meaning of being a human again by reconnecting with their true-selfs. A beautiful and educational movie about what theater really means.

    "We don't uses that word, we say beloved, got that understood"

  • Blue Beetle

    Blue Beetle


    Bleu beetle, a movie where i could guess the whole movie, where everything is very predictable, like i'f seen this movie before (i haven't)
    The special effects, were not consistent and i constantly missed some good music. But it was a cute movie with cool fight scenes.

    "Dad had a heartattack"

Popular reviews

  • 'Twas the Text Before Christmas

    'Twas the Text Before Christmas


    Good christmas movie, although it had a very sudden ending and almost every scène was obviously on set, it was nice to watch it with my girlfriend.

    "Wasn't that your dream job? To go to Jamaica?"

  • The Favourite

    The Favourite


    A movie about power, manipulation and strategy. The queen of England, a childish ruler, who listens to the one who loves her more. Will be victim of two women fighting for power, the one fights for the country, the other one fights for herself.

    Three very well played leadcharacters, who's development during the movie was very interesting and tensive.

    "You're in Gods house and he is God"