• Her



    “ we spend a third of our lives asleep and maybe that's the time when we feel the most free ”

    “ sometimes I look at people and I make myself try and feel them as more than just a random person walking by, I imagine how deeply they've fallen in love or how much heartbreak they've all been through ”

    “ sometimes I think I have felt everything
    I'm ever gonna feel and from here on out I'm not…

  • Eat Pray Love

    Eat Pray Love


    This movie healed something inside me 

    “ If you can't master your thoughts, you're in trouble “

    “ You have to learn to select your thoughts the way you select your clothes ” 

    “ We all want things to stay the same, settle for living in misery because we're afraid of change of things crumbling to ruins”

    “ Maybe my life hasn’t been so chaotic, it’s just the world that is, and the only real trap is getting attached to any of it”

  • The Brutalist

    The Brutalist


    مثل ماتوقعت من ادريان اداء تمثيلي رائع و التصوير جبار خلاني اعيش تجربه سينمائيه رهيبه مع ان الفلم طويل ثلاث ساعات ونص الا اني ماحسيت بالملل على الرغم من ان قصة الفلم ما حمستني كثير ولا اثرت فيني
    الشيء اللي ازعجني اكثر شيء اسلوب السرد ما ادري وش تبي عشوائيه وخلتني اتشتت شوي

  • Ford v Ferrari

    Ford v Ferrari


    تحفة فنية 
    الفلم يتكلم عن قصة حقيقيه صارت بعام ١٩٦٦ سباق" لومان" بين فورد وفراري اللي دام ٢٤ ساعه  
    على ان مدة الفلم ساعتين ونص الا اني ما حسيت فيها من كثر ما استمتعت بالفلم من بدايته لنهايته 
    The movie was not just about cars and racing, it's about passion, determination, and pushing the limits to achieve the impossible. The cinematography and soundtrack pull you right into the action, making you feel every turn and every victory

  • The Piano Teacher

    The Piano Teacher

    فلم مدري وش يبي ضيعت ساعتين من حياتي عليه 
    وحده اقترحته لي بالتيك توك واتوقع انها حاقده علي مو طبيعي السوء والقذاره اللي فيه وفوق ذا مافيه فكره ولا هدف

  • Before Sunset

    Before Sunset


    “ in a way, I put all my romanticism into that one night and I was never able to feel all this again. Like, somehow this night took things away from me and i express them to you and you took them with you, it made me feel cold like if love wasn't for me” .

  • Lost in Translation

    Lost in Translation


    “The more you know who you are and what you want the less you let things upset you."

  • Scent of a Woman

    Scent of a Woman


    Absolute cinema

  • The Silence of the Lambs

    The Silence of the Lambs

