

Favorite films

  • We Live in Time
  • Perfect Days
  • Grosse Pointe Blank
  • SPY x FAMILY CODE: White

Recent activity

  • Novocaine


  • Grimsby


  • Black Bag


  • Opus


Recent reviews

  • Novocaine



    "it's not about the money. that was fun"

    classical in its shape but original in its content. it's creative in the justification of everything and it takes enough time so that we care. the main pairing makes total sense and it is so well constructed

    then we have some fun action sequences. they are equally brutal and funny, which is a hard balance to keep

  • Grimsby



    was not expecting to watch this movie today but when a group of people wants to watch a fun movie, this is my safe bet

    sacha baron cohen is always on point but what makes this one special is the shockingly incredible cast doing this kind of movie. yes, the humor may be basic but it is so functional and over the top in a positive way (there are specially a couple of scenes that will never leave your mind)

    the laughts are such that by contrast even the cheesy drama seems emotional enough

Popular reviews

  • Black Bag

    Black Bag


    what a week and a half

    i don't know if it is a spy movie, a love story or a psychological thriller (or all those three) but it works on any of these levels

    cate blanchett and michael fassbender do it so well and have incredible chemistry, all the characters are memorable and there is a general elegant vibe in the movie. really enjoyed it (or maybe is the fact that lately i'm watching movies on opening weekends sitting in first rows, which makes me happy)

  • A House on Fire

    A House on Fire


    "la casa", versió estiuenca. més divertida i igualment emotiva. molt fàcil d'empatitzar amb diversos personatges i sobretot en les relacions entre ells

    llavors em posen una cançó de Manel ideal per la peli i al ritme perfecte de la destrucció d'aquesta i em tenen guanyat

    a més a més veure tot això una nit d'estiu, fent pic nic en companyia, envoltat d'actors i gent relacionada amb la peli, altres celebrities, Joan Dausà cantant... aquí es valora una peli en el que fa sentir i aquesta peli em va fer sentir moltes emocions. top
