

Favorite films

  • The Notebook
  • The Parent Trap

Recent activity

  • Grave of the Fireflies


  • The Little Prince


  • Don't Breathe


  • Spirited Away


Recent reviews

  • Grave of the Fireflies

    Grave of the Fireflies


    watched this in 5th grade because our teacher made us watch it in class and i was absolutely petrified. this has got to be the most gut wrenching ghibli film EVER. the kid eating rocks hallucinating it was candy MADE ME SO FREAKING SAD. I DO NOT wish the pain i felt watching this on my worst enemy 😔

  • The Little Prince

    The Little Prince


    i only ever watched the little prince because we were tasked to study the book for english class during 10th grade but to my surprise, i loved it so much.

    i remember being sick while studying details about the book, the film, and analyses done by readers and feeling so attached to it. i never really have enjoyed reading and i have not in a while gotten so immersed in something so when i felt this wave of comfort from this book, i just knew it would hold a special place in my heart. if the little prince has no fans, i am dead.

  • Don't Breathe

    Don't Breathe


    what 😭 a 😭 fucking 😭 creep 😭

  • Spirited Away

    Spirited Away


    one of my favorite ghibli films and probably the first i've watched. i remember seeing this on the tv and i was so freaking terrified. the pigs looked so scary, the place seemed so cold, the baby was just uncanny valley, and no face was absolutely terrifying 😭 haku is so fine tho BAHAHAA he was my first anime crush… but anw, i rewatched it when i got a bit older and i learned to appreciate it more. the animation is so pretty and the story somehow hit close to home. i love this film so much i can’t even explain how much.