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Recent reviews

  • The Raid

    The Raid


    what in the fuck that shit was bruuuuuttaaaallllll
    hands down one of the best hand to hand combat scenes ive ever seen

  • R-Point



    hidden in plain sight i see... slowburn horror honestly just hits the best.

Popular reviews

  • Minari



    "They come to America and forget everything"

    Culture brings people together. Traditions bring people closer to each other. When people leave their homes of familiar culture and move to a stranger's land, they tend to lose what belongs to them, and instead become distracted by values of the outside world. We like to look at how beautiful that world is, not appreciating what we have in ours.

    Yet, in Minari's case, the older generation brings along the cultural seeds from…

  • It Follows

    It Follows


    Insanely well directed, so much subtlety in how the tension is built and honestly very impressed it pulled off an original concept with the teen horror genre that is often commonly misunderstood and disliked. It's cool to see how the soundtracks reflect that as well through the way they cycle between anxiety inducing bass and your typical sci-fi synths.
