

Favorite films

  • The Magician
  • The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
  • Blue Velvet
  • Spirited Away

Recent activity

  • High and Low


  • Escape from New York


  • Jaws


  • Breaking Away


Recent reviews

  • High and Low

    High and Low


    It’s Hitchcockian, and then also kind of … not? Gondo’s moral dilemma - whether to ruin himself by paying the ransom for someone else’s kid - is compelling, but it also only constitutes the first 1/3 of the movie. The rest turns to the hunt for the villain and focuses more on the police. It avoids formula and doesn’t take you where you’re expecting to go, in a good way. Plus, trains, heroin, Tokyo Rock’n’Roll clubs, class jealousy, and more.

  • Escape from New York

    Escape from New York


    To me, the essence of a great John Carpenter film combines these elements: 1) Sci-fi premise on the dystopian side; 2) some social commentary, but not too serious or heavy handed; 3) goofiness; 4) Everyman ethos; 5) a handful of extremely memorable visuals. Escape from New York has all these, not quite to the degree of The Thing or They Live, but it’s close.

Popular reviews

  • Breaking Away

    Breaking Away


    “You know what really gets me, though? I mean here I am, I gotta live in this stinkin’ town, and I gotta read in the newspapers about some hot-shot kid, new star of the college team. Every year it’s gonna be a new one … and every year it’s never gonna be me. I’m just gonna be Mike. 20 year old Mike … 30 year old Mike … old mean old man Mike. And these college kids will never get…

  • Jaws




    Look, if you love ‘Jaws,’ that’s terrific; I’m happy for you. I’m happy you have the sort of undiscriminating taste that allows you to innocently, merrily enjoy mediocrity. For me, look, it ain’t my cup of tea. I’m giving it three stars in recognition of its historical significance. It undoubtedly changed cinema and pretty much made the career of Steven Spielberg. Anyway I don’t want to spend too much time on this review so I…
