Creator / Director / Executive producer
Animation film industry
Haha, I’m not sure that this movie knows what it wants to be. A love story? A sci fi movie? A conspiracy drama? And, while it tries to be everything at once it accomplishes nothing satisfying.
Unfortunately it seems the cast had two dimensional written characters to work with. And I can’t help but think that the edit traded scenes of relatable interpersonal acting, for answers and exposition that nobody was asking for.
Nicely done. creative, thoughtful, and playful in all the right places. The relationships between all the characters are so relatable, and Ghost dog and Raymond understanding of each other is delightful.
Entertaining enough movie, the choice to expand the world with the event day is interesting. But with that expansion comes more questions that start to put cracks in the logic that’s already been established in the previous movies. Too many irrational logical leaps and bending their own rules left me feeling kinda meh about it.
Best acting of a cat I have ever seen.