ill fucking kill you if you say anything bad about marguerite duras
co-parent of @thephilosophyfilmclub
i actually liked this better than 6/64
perhaps for these reasons?
no ambiguous dualism of imagery (soil v shit, rose v the obscene whole)
lighting was darker, so again unlike the 6/64 which had brighter lighting, there wasn't this uncomfortable ambiguity (these scenes should stay in the dark etc.)
other insights
he loves eggs
wet bird feathers seem grosser to me than liquids that look like blood
i dont even know how to rate this
is it transgressive? hell yes. gore (not real more just RED), dirt (that looks like literally shit b/c of its placement), eggs, and a bunch of other viscous fluids splattering on the nude body.
but its not purely disgust, the sole flower, a rose I believe, takes it from being just obscenity to something more artful, but idk.
kren seems to have that "sex scene from story of the eye" thing nailed tho.
There is something about mindless chatter against a barren landscape that brings me a certain kind of joy, of course, Rosaleen's performance is responsible for much of that. Many mercies, many mercies...