

connoisseur but i’m not stuffy .

Favorite films

  • The Wolf of Wall Street
  • Great Expectations
  • Adventureland
  • American Beauty

Recent activity

  • The Departed

  • American Beauty


  • Apocalypto


  • Eraserhead


Recent reviews

  • The Departed

    The Departed

    DiCaprio looked hot as always . idk why he had to die . movie was good but was distracted by him being hot as hell . also vera farmiga . damn

  • American Beauty

    American Beauty


    one of my favorites unfortunately . im sick or something so i just watched it again for like the 15th time . some of the plot lines are a bit sick and twisted . i really relate to the drug dealer character . not because i deal drugs , but because people tend to think there’s something wrong with me . additionally i also like making videos . 
    If you ever meet a guy that says this is his favorite movie , he’s probably not a great guy to associate with . learned that one the hard way .

Popular reviews

  • Eraserhead



    baby didn’t turn out very good . 
    eraserhead guy was kind of a pussy . i was thinking he was a scorpio sort of man due to to his inability to have healthy intimacy with his wife , but then I decided he couldn’t be because he has no drive or ambition . 
    i’m doing a 2025 remake where the radiator is a micro nuclear reactor .

  • Joker: Folie à Deux

    Joker: Folie à Deux


    this was pretty good . they seemed a bit sick and twisted . it was like la la land for us sick and twisted people . they reminded me of my ex and i . we too were a singin couple .
