

not cringe nor free but a secret third thing

Favorite films

  • Rosemary's Baby
  • I Saw the TV Glow
  • The Muppet Movie
  • 12 Angry Men

Recent activity

  • Being John Malkovich


  • Cabaret


  • Fine Dead Girls


  • Oldboy


Recent reviews

  • Being John Malkovich

    Being John Malkovich


    extremely interesting yuri in this one

  • Cabaret



    fascinantno kako je ovaj film jos uvijek relevantan

Popular reviews

  • Ghost: Rite Here Rite Now

    Ghost: Rite Here Rite Now


    i got dragged to this by my friends and as someone who doesn't really care about ghost it's obvious the band is very talented BUT
    the technical aspects of this movie drove me insane, idk if this was an issue with my screening or something but at multiple tines the recording glitched?? and the audio was so loud and blown out it was hard to concentrate on the music.
    the editing was especially ameture, WHY WOULD YOU SLOW DOWN FOOTAGE…

  • The Substance

    The Substance


    mislim da nikad nisam bila vise razocarana zbog filma. odlican koncept potrosen na povrsan film koj ne postuje svoju publiku da razmislja za sebe, koristi nepotrebnu naraciju i konstantnu repeticiju stvari kojih znamo. ne cini se kao da postuje te krhke teme koje zeli obraditi te razvlaci svaki plot point do zadnje granice. ovo je 90 minutni film koji je bio prosiren na 135 iz....inata? stil stoji na liniji ozbiljne kritike drustva i banalne parodije.
    takoder ne servira kao dobar…
