

Bing Bong Ping Pong

Favorite films

  • La Haine
  • Akira
  • Coraline
  • Over the Garden Wall

Recent activity

  • Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father

  • Look Back


  • Paris, Texas

  • Fury


Recent reviews

  • Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father

    Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father

    My heart aches completely. This documentary really shows how pure evil walks among us. It also showed me the resilience in people and the kindness and connection made through our lives and how we impact others. David and Kathleen and what they've gone through just makes me cry. I'm mad. I'm sad. But above all else I am broken.

  • Look Back

    Look Back


    I remember making comics way back in elementary and middle school. I would insert my friends as characters and we would all laugh when I finished the latest “issue” for the week. I had notebooks filled with comics and sketches of characters I made. Somewhere along the way I stopped. This movie reminded me of the love and passion in creation in whatever form or medium and how it brings people together.

Popular reviews

  • La Haine

    La Haine


    La Haine translates to Hate in English.

    What a film the opening with the rioter telling the police, “You murderers. It’s easy to gun us down! We only got rocks!” Already sets the tone. There’s tension looming in France a ticking time bomb. 

    The movie is really just focused on three friends  and their lives living In impoverished France. There’s just a feeling you get watching the film. Unrest. Themes of police brutality, racism, death, poverty, violence and hopelessness.


  • Juno



    Juno is WIZARD! Vanessa is WIZARD! Paulie is WIZARD! I’d give them the world. 

    ‘I don't see what anyone can see
    In anyone else but you’

    soundtrack: awesome sauce/10

    Mark count your days buddy I just called the justice league and avengers after you………
