Sometimes a long ass sprawling narrative is what you want. Also beautiful.
Does feel incredibly samey to goodfellas but i don’t think that makes it shit.
Watching Henry Cavill joyfully and mercilessly dispatch nazis completely carefree is brilliant. The Nazi camp scene is great.
Really patchy, needed to stay with Cavill more. Was desperately trying to be the brilliant half hour in Inglourious Basterds and just couldn’t get there. Gotta go really big with it and it got stuck halfway too often.
Love having so much going on in some frames and nothing going on in others.
Very enjoyable original film carried by another quirky Pattinson performance. Well worth the watch.
It’s starting to grate on me that the bad guy in every movie is just a Donald Trump impression. That definitely detracts from the movie as a whole, make your own villain.