Lowen Behold

Lowen Behold Patron

Favorite films

  • The Evil Dead
  • Batman Returns
  • Blue Velvet
  • The Lighthouse

Recent activity

  • Novocaine


  • Opus


  • St. Patrick's Day


  • The Quiet Man


Recent reviews

  • Novocaine



    Quaid is so charming and fckin hilarious and energized, Midthunder is so hot and lovely and badass and perfect to set up the heart and emotional roller-coaster of the movie. They both really nailed it.

    This had me crying with laughter and heartache. And it's fun and fuckin gnarly (Nathan's poor right hand!)

    NOVOCAINE rules and more people should see it and rate it higher.

    I am sick to death with franchises but these characters are soo good that I want more of them

  • Opus



    Malchovich is awesome, especially a certain dance scene of his (makes this movie worth the watch!)
    And it looks great, especially for someone's debut film.
    But there's a lot of frustrating choices being made.
    Some of Aryo's actions and inactions make no sense.
    Casting a damn iNfLuEnCeR.
    Photoshopped butt? Or butt pads? Idk but an inconsistent butt. Obviously not a serious issue but a strange choice.

Popular reviews

  • Texas Chainsaw Massacre

    Texas Chainsaw Massacre


    Going into this for a fun time and not expecting some kind of masterpiece out of the TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE FRANCHISE. It starts out rough but by halfway through I see this film is really just a celebration of the franchise and has some fun with it, and I had fun WITH it! Don't take it tooooo seriously like some people do and this movie is another blast in the Texas Chainsaw world. I will be waiting for the next installment for the fun of it for sure..

  • The House of Yes

    The House of Yes


    The perfect movie to watch with your family at Thanksgiving