Lucas Dosher

Lucas Dosher Pro

Favorite films

  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Blue Velvet
  • Nosferatu

Recent activity

  • Spring Night, Summer Night


  • Hillbilly Elegy

  • Slowdive: Souvlaki

  • Lost Highway


Recent reviews

  • Hillbilly Elegy

    Hillbilly Elegy

    I wrote up a whole thoughtful piece on why I absolutely despise this film and this individual who wrote/screened us this story. Specifically with the contempt he has on a people and culture we both personally share.

    I’m not gonna digress the point further, fuck this awful Oscar bait movie. I hate it and I hate the guy who wrote it. Haven’t been this angry over a movie in a while. My hiatus from movies is over and I will not watch anything worse than this year.


  • Slowdive: Souvlaki

    Slowdive: Souvlaki

    I will forever hate the music publications for the trashy reviews that they gave to this incredible album. Very appreciative in retrospect of how the internet changed the landscape for music discovery and analysis.

    This was slept on at the time but the past decade has proven, at least for my age range, that shoegaze is huge and is thriving not just from newer bands, but by the old guard too. Slowdive were my favorite show I saw in 2023 and I desperately hope to experience them live again. If interested, check this documentary. Very informative 😌

Popular reviews

  • Aftersun



    a whirlpool of emotion,
    a mosaic of memory,
    a tapestry of dreams,
    a web of nightmares.

    This movie is so personal and open that it moved my soul. Very meditative and lucid to me. The cinematography was transfixing and captivated me. I look forward to studying this movie’s visual poetry further. A new favorite of mine.

  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

    The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King


    Twenty years ago, I saw this film in theaters at eight years old and I owe alot to this and the other films of this trilogy for so much.

    I can go on and on and on about my love for this world, these films, these books, the music, the artwork, etc. I’m obsessed, my right leg is a tattoo sleeve on the art work of these movies to make the point crystal clear. I won’t continue that point until…