me: *watches Sing Street*
also me: *adds entire soundtrack to playlist*
me: *watches Sing Street*
also me: *adds entire soundtrack to playlist*
Surfing Netflix and not being able to find anything to watch is the worst. Surfing Netflix and randomly watching a movie that’s been sitting in your watchlist for a long time and loving it despite thinking it might be mid, now that’s the stuff.
the beginning was fun with some good laughs, but man, it severely overstays it’s welcome. more Michael Cera and Emma Watson would’ve made me happy :) easily my favorites in the movie.
I’m on the fence about this, yet I still had some fun with it. The chemistry between the 4 teachers and how successful it was with it’s tonal shifts made it something worth watching. Also, the ending was absolute perfection. The one thing that wasn’t very fun about Another Round, at least for the 4 teachers and students, is how f**ked up their liver must/will be after all that drinking.