This would’ve been a lot cooler if Miles Teller had a drum kit in his tower
Pretty much dog shit. The gorge looked like a spirit Halloween, but I knew was I was getting myself into. Unfortunately not laughably bad, just bad.
Amazing. From the opening scene following the telephone wires to the closing ferry dock, it’s beautiful. I love the look of Kern’s house with the tilted books and that dolly out when they’re talking by the radio. The use of red feels authentic and natural. The background matters just as much as the foreground in this. Visually stunning with a touching and meaningful story.
This one also benefits from the continuity of the previous two, being able to see parts of the same world was really cool.
I knew I was gonna like this as soon as I heard scary monsters and nice sprites on the IMAX speakers
I can’t give this any less than a 4 - the thrill is incredible and the shots are mind-blowing. I had to lookup BTS.
I feel like it teeters on the edge of cheesy for me at certain points though - just so on the nose about logic and emotion.
Matthew McConaughey does a great job with a few Lincoln commercial type moments. Not sure how he knows absolutely nothing about astrophysics but is mankind’s cowboy engineer savior.
I don’t know enough about film to know why it feels a bit shallow, but I love a good rollercoaster.