There is an elephant in Manzhouli.
It sits there all day long.
top 4 is stochastic
How Stalker (1979) changed my perspective over art, cinema, and life. Today is my birthday, acknowledgement is a birthday gift to myself.
My first encounter with the works of the Soviet maestro Andrei Tarkovsky was by sheer accident. And just like many other films throughout my life, "Stalker" left a huge impact on me. The main difference here when compared to other motion pictures I came to experience is that the Lucca who first experienced "Stalker", wasn't gazed by the…
Need a reason to watch this ridiculously long film other than genuine appreciation for cinema? (why?) Here's one: masochism! You'll cherish those little breaks to eat, a necessary escape from the film's relentless grip. By the end you'll have a headache, but hey, that's a sign it worked. And for those who appreciate the finer things in life, there's Elitism – because only the truly elite can endure the pretentious cinematic journey Satantango offers, am I right?
Arguably the…
Believe me when I say this, it's totally okay for a movie to be just "fine," you're not obligated to either really hate or love something. You don’t owe a film extreme reactions—it can sit with you, unfinished, and that’s perfectly valid. People shouldn't go to a movie trying to know all about it beforehand, it can be very frustrating when the film plays out to be totally new to what you expect, believe me when I say this, a…
Last year, I heard about the latest A24 Studios film set to release in 2024 and pushed it all the way to the bottom of my watchlist, which usually doesn't include A24 at all. However, the themes of this specific film were my cup of tea, so I was curious. This delay, coupled with my inconsistent film-watching habits lately, made me forget that it was directed by the same neon addict who made "We're All Going to the World's Fair".…
When I first heard about a Barbie film directed by Greta Gerwig, I already knew exactly how Greta's approach would be, and somehow she did it even more marvelously, and feminist.
Barbie is an extremely self-aware, and also stupidly fun movie, and every scene in the Barbie world felt more than fabulous, I watched it with a smile on my face for all the time. The glamorous figurines, the dancing and singing, and of course the amazing Kens and Barbies…
The first Velvet Underground album only sold 10,000 copies, but everyone who bought it formed a band.