when you‘re all alone, i will reach for you ..
i watch good movies to traumatize myself !
i don’t know if i just stupid right here but i don’t get it. like i really want to understand the movie and i thought it was good but i just didn’t understand it 😭
anyway: i wish you stayed
everyone hates this movie and i genuinely don’t understand why. i think this movie wants to be something that is not, but i didn’t think it was bad. like i loved the storyline (maybe because i‘m a writer too) and everything. i get why people say their expectations were to high, thats why i didn’t watch it in the cinema
i don’t know why everyone hates this movie but i thought it was so good. if you‘re not aware that this is musical and you don’t like musicals then don’t watch it? i loved the music, i loved gaga. i think they could’ve done more with gagas role but all in all i think it was something else for ones.