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Favorite films

  • Parasite
  • Cloud Atlas
  • Hot Fuzz
  • Tenet

Recent activity

  • Paint Drying

  • The Accountant


  • Cloud Atlas


  • Beckett


Recent reviews

  • Paint Drying

    Paint Drying

    logging out of this account and making a new one, i feel like a fresh start.

  • Cloud Atlas

    Cloud Atlas


    "Do you still love Grammy?"
    "Your Grammy... was the best thing to ever happen to me."

    Literally a perfect film. A genius, complex, important compilation of philosophies, revelations, quantum entanglement, reincarnation, time. We are bound to love and time, to past and present, the natural order. What direction we choose to take in our life will affect our later life.

    Cloud Atlas is a complex and grand film bridged by one symbol. The comet. A symbol of freedom. A symbol…

Popular reviews

  • Uncut Gems

    Uncut Gems


    Upon rewatch, I've decided to shift Uncut Gems into the second place of my top four.

    Howard Ratner represents the lowly, scummy citizens of Planet Earth as a whole. He's a fuck up dad, an impulsive gambler and just all around an unpleasant person to be around, as stated by his wife in THAT quote.

    I love movies like this. High octane, high anxiety, high tension, high stakes. The Safdie Brothers manage to pull off these factors practically flawlessly. The…

  • Boy



    nostalgia, daddy issues, love, this film has it all. taika waititi, i love u.
