Boy, oh boy is this bloated. There is a lot to like here, but it didn’t need to be three hours long.
I do love the old trope of using newspaper headlines to advance the plot. This film could have used a lot more of it.
Boy, oh boy is this bloated. There is a lot to like here, but it didn’t need to be three hours long.
I do love the old trope of using newspaper headlines to advance the plot. This film could have used a lot more of it.
Billy Wilder had such amazing range. The bleak hopelessness of this film contrasts so much with the lighter comedies that came later.
I don’t know how I didn’t get to this one sooner in my trip through the Best Picture Oscar winners. It really is one of the better winners. Especially juxtaposed against the uplifting and occasionally syrupy WW2-era winners that surrounded it.
Really incredible performance by Ray Milland, who was apparently hesitant to work with a then “unproven” Wilder.
I loved the setup here and was very into the Mickey backstory and the slice of life aspect of the first half of the movie.
The Mark Ruffalo performance took me out of it a bit. It felt like he was pulling from too many different ugly aspects of our culture today and it felt to me like he was overdoing it at times.
Bong Joon-Ho uses food masterfully again in this one. Gonna have to go light on sauce for a while.
The breakneck pacing of this movie had me locked in. It was the kind of story that would normally have me second screening on Wikipedia and yet I couldn’t look away. Thought the point of view that the story was told from made this very interesting.