

this is where I go when I watch a movie sometimes

Favorite films

  • Interstellar
  • Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
  • The Social Network
  • Aftersun

Recent activity

  • Cunk on Life


  • Nosferatu


  • Chernobyl


  • Donnie Darko


Recent reviews

  • Cunk on Life

    Cunk on Life


    Close enough, welcome back Borat

  • Nosferatu



    There's so many beautiful frames in this I can't help but be impressed.

    “You cannot love.”

    “I cannot. Yet I cannot be sated without you.”

Popular reviews

  • Avatar: The Way of Water

    Avatar: The Way of Water


    “The way of water has no beginning and no end. The sea is around you and in you. The sea is your home, before your birth and after your death. Our hearts beat in the womb of the world. Our breath burns in the shadows of the deep. The sea gives and the sea takes. Water connects all things, life to death, darkness to light.”

    Imagine how it must feel to be James Cameron rn. Like he REALLY set the bar with this one (like he always does).
    I loved this. Every single minute.

  • Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

    Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice


    Rewatch leading up to ZSJL
    Goddamn the Chris Terrio dialogue in this movie slaps!
    And how can you watch this and think Jesse Eisenburg's performance as Lex Luthor was "poorly written" or "horribly acted" I honestly do not understand those claims at all and he's still in my top favourite CBM villains.

    10/10 idc