When it ended this little twerp turned around and said “why are so many adults watching this animated film” and I was marginally embarrassed for a second but then laughed.
The fact that this was made by one guy on his laptop 🤯
“I’ll never forget the day Osaka walked on set and announced she had killed God”
(The manga was better)
Feeling very, very privileged getting to see this in the cinema, paired with It’s Such a Beautiful Day (and a few extra surprises!)
Give Don Hertzfeldt his Oscar you cowards!!
Also shoutout to the dad that brought his 8 year old daughter to the screening. I think she enjoyed it? I heard her giggling all the way through.
A film whose target audience are people who want to pretend that they like erotic thrillers.
It’s not shocking. It’s not scary. It’s not interesting. It’s STAGGERINGLY unfunny. Between this and Promising Young Woman, it seems Emerald Fennell just wants to prance around with ‘edgy’ subject matter as a guise of being provocative, whilst simultaneously saying nothing of value or nuance. It comes across as incredibly immature, crass and very, very annoying.
Eff this crap, I’m so livid right now.