"Certainty is the great enemy of unity."
That line is sticking with me.
There is no doubt that John Williams is an absolute legend. The scope of his work is really astounding.
However, I did not find this documentary to be very illuminating. It presented a (mostly) chronological account of John Williams work with a disjointed narrative that didn't ask many interesting questions.
I found myself waiting for this to end long before the credits rolled, and that's a shame because John Williams is really remarkable.
First, whoever wrote the little bio for this movie sounds like they didn't even watch it. Come on man.
The Descendents should be everyone's favorite band. I watched this twice in two days, and it was awesome both times. Just some regular guys making groundbreaking tunes. It was cool how, even with different bands and coming and going of members, they all have so much love and support for each other.
Would recommend taking you phone with you for this one so you have something to do while watching. It was a little bit funny, but lacked any other redeeming qualities. Also, that one guy's nutsack is fully out at one point, so be prepared for that.