Just a boy that likes watching movies
Wes' worldbuilding is unmatched, he makes a building feel like an ecosystem, different characters having moments at different levels, when a scene ends the camera pans to a different moment making you feel like you're watching some kind of absurd urban documentary. It just makes everything feel so alive. It also helps that each and every character is incredible, and each and every one of them gets some form of vindication or resolution. Also Richie Tenenbaum is one of my favourite characters ever. I'm still moved to tears every time Mordecai returns to the tune of Stephanie Says.
Just guys being dudes. Wish the whole movie was about the bromance. It's funny that Nick Robinson is in this since he was in his own coming of age movie (The Kings of Summer) which also suffered from the cliched love triangle. But the vibes are immaculate and the movie looks beautiful, LaBelle is amazing.
Watching this in IMAX was one of the best cinematic experiences of my life, feeling Zimmer's masterpiece of a soundtrack rumble in my bones is an indescribable feeling and it just further proves cinema to be the ultimate art form. A moment in time captured and echoed into the future, every viewing a singular experience.
Two ladies walked out in the first 40min whinging to each other about having wasted their money, that's when I knew this was something special. Like a Korine film it's so hilariously absurd and so depressingly real at the same time.
Watching Ani try to take a stand but being continually dwarfed is gut wrenching, her tools for survival are based around objectifying herself and sex as a transaction to the point that a genuine human interaction is perceived as abuse. And it all hits so hard because of the sheer calibre of Mikey's performance.