

if I choose the film it'll probably have subtitles ˙ᵕ˙

Favorite films

  • Alice
  • Babylon
  • Climax
  • The Umbrellas of Cherbourg

Recent activity

  • Molli and Max in the Future


  • Dark Habits


  • Phantom Thread


  • Priscilla


Recent reviews

  • Molli and Max in the Future

    Molli and Max in the Future


    Molli and Max is the perfect example that a good story doesn't need over bearing, heart wrenching conflict. The mere condition of existence in the context of civilization, as citizens (with ordinary humans, half mutants, or full mutants) is rife with ever present catastrophe inherent to the structure of common society. Within that condition of existence there is also glee, synchronicity, magic, even. Seeing this totally normal, albeit infuriating quietus- weaved in with a tinge of romance, dialogue with subtle,…

  • Dark Habits

    Dark Habits


    Que chevre entrar al la fantasia creado por Almodovar de monjas exsistendo en las pocos refugias que a existado historicamente para las mujeres lesbiana. La refugia del convento y el acuerdo de las monjas misma en adquirir un patron para mantener sus habitos decadas. Mantien un tigre, y frequentemente hay cenas comenzada por psicotropicas. Aqui vive una novela que es al mismo tiempo absurdo y completamente precisa en la manera que las communidades desamparadas deben de resistir debajo de la pulga de patrimonio.

Popular reviews

  • Phantom Thread

    Phantom Thread


    Beyond the obvious beauty of surface and visual frivolities of fashion, this film envelopes the audience in a riveting dynamic of gender. Our careful observation of Reynold Woodcock's posh but dated world of debutantes and 20th century glamour is disrupted when enters Alma. She is the very antithesis of Woodcock's world. Initially, her peculiar wit and charm endears him to her. Alma is foreign, ignorant to social graces, and refuses to be seduced by pompous displays of status. Alma is…

  • Perfect Days

    Perfect Days


    Perfect days is a brilliant, anti-capitalist character portrait. The audience follows the life of a protagonist who approaches his life with reverence and grace despite societal expectation to identify as inferior. His greatest rebellion is seizing each day with wonder. This film brought me many smiles and a few tears. Absolutely gorgeous cinematography accompanied by a truly classic soundtrack.
