

please i’m a star!!! 🗣️🗣️🙏🙏

Favorite films

  • Thesis
  • Parasite
  • The Notebook
  • The Virgin Suicides

Recent activity

  • Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance


  • The Boss: Anatomy of a Crime


  • It's What's Inside


  • Audition


Recent reviews

  • Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance

    Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance


    Catastrophic. I can’t think of a better word to describe this masterpiece. What a movie, what a plot, what scenes!

    To be honest, I had no idea Oldboy was part of a trilogy, so I watched it first. However, since the stories aren’t connected, it wasn’t an issue. What I want to highlight is how Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance shares that same distinctive style, with an impeccable script and incredibly real characters. Only a brilliant mind like Park Chan-wook’s could…

  • The Boss: Anatomy of a Crime

    The Boss: Anatomy of a Crime


    Tuve que verla hace tiempo para un informe, no recuerdo muchas cosas de la pelicula pero puedo afirmar que ha sido una de las mejor peliculas que he visto en mi vida. El cine latinoamericano es literalmente cine, crudo, real, sin palabras.

Popular reviews

  • Black Swan

    Black Swan


    Hysteria as it peak, just how I like my movies

    movie n#40
    (2023 series)

  • It's What's Inside

    It's What's Inside


    That was crazy! I loved it. A thousand things happened in the movie, but it didn’t feel overwhelming. The characters were amazing, really well-developed.
    I think the plot was very original, and when it reached the climax—WOW, what a scene! The editing and cinematography were a huge plus—the colors, the music, everything, everything!