

Favorite films

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  • Starship Troopers


  • Pride & Prejudice


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Recent reviews

  • Starship Troopers

    Starship Troopers


    Classic '90s scifi (anti-)war movie, with really exagerated black and white morals and an extreme horrors of war motif. Would you like to know more?

  • Pride & Prejudice

    Pride & Prejudice


    Better than I expected, but still very clichee-ridden. Mr. Bennet best character with his laconic "leave me the f alone" attirude ;P Also, nice to see Penelope Wilton in a prototype role for her Downton Abbey character. And a surprise Judi Dench appearance!

Popular reviews

  • Ghost Stories

    Ghost Stories


    Nice horror movie that plays with a lot of clichés. Neat twist ending, but unfortunately you don't really have a chance to guess it's coming. Also, too many jump scares for my liking. Overall a pretty decent movie, but nothing too special.

  • Forgetting Sarah Marshall

    Forgetting Sarah Marshall


    Great movie! Romantic comedies are usually really hit or miss for me, and this one is a hit :)