zeynep nazlı

zeynep nazlı

Favorite films

  • Dark Waters
  • Spirited Away
  • A Brighter Summer Day
  • Dogville

Recent activity

  • 28 Days Later


  • Decision to Leave


  • Late Night with the Devil


  • Funeral Parade of Roses


Recent reviews

  • 28 Days Later

    28 Days Later


    Yapılmış en iyi zombi filmlerinden birisi. Klişeleri yaratan film. Askeri üs ters köşesi artık çok ters köşe olmasa da filmi güzelleştiren en büyük faktörlerden. Avrupa sineması büyük fark yaratmis

  • Decision to Leave

    Decision to Leave


    Dağ ve su, mavi ve yeşil, balık ve dalga metaforlarına bayıldım.

Popular reviews

  • Naked



    you know what I don't get? People seem to think that just because a movie has difficult subject matter, unsympathetic characters, and an unconventional style, it automatically makes it a masterpiece. But honestly, I couldn't disagree more. If you really want to watch something good that tackles middle-class existentialism or other deep topics, you should check out directors like Bergman or Haneke. They're the real deal.

    Speaking of movies with unsympathetic characters, have you seen "Naked" by Mike Leigh? It's…

  • Drive My Car

    Drive My Car

    belli bir entelektuel birikimim ve arthouse film sevdam var. bu film kötü. 
    (kral ciplak)
    (hivemind circlejerk community) 
    (suru psikolojisi)
    (no storytelling)
    (no chemistry)
    (abi asyalilarin sıkıcılıktaki basarisi)
