

Favorite films

  • The Silence of the Lambs
  • The Night of the Hunter
  • Stand by Me
  • No Country for Old Men

Recent activity

  • Crimson Tide


  • Man on Fire


  • Déjà Vu


  • All the President's Men


Recent reviews

  • Crimson Tide

    Crimson Tide


    Tony Scott understood how to make a great movie, and a key part in that was just always casting Denzel. He then struck gold casting Gene Hackman. Two of the pillars of modern film against each other in a military movie that stands above most others of its time. 

    RIP to both Scott and Hackman.

  • Man on Fire

    Man on Fire


    My second of the Tony Scott/Denzel movies (Crimson Tide is next), and it’s going to be hard to top. Biblical violence, biblical resilience, unholy revenge. Denzel is magic in this, and his friendship with Dakota Fanning is tailor-made for tears. 

    In the church, they say to forgive.

    Forgiveness is between them and God. It's my job to arrange the meeting.

Popular reviews

  • Spartacus



    “Please die my love…die, die now.”

    The last hour and a half of this film is truly remarkable, and Spartacus dying knowing his son will be raised a free person is truly all I wanted to see.

  • Déjà Vu

    Déjà Vu


    A perfectly solid of-its-time thriller and the BAM! Time travel. Denzel crushes in this, and pre-deep end Jim Caviezel (he’s probably always been there) makes for a competent villain. It perfectly encapsulates the post-9/11 surveillance paranoia, and a Jerry Bruckheimer project will always have heart.
