maddie <3

maddie <3

24. i don’t know anything i just like movie 💕

Favorite films

  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  • The Thing
  • When Harry Met Sally...
  • Practical Magic

Recent activity

  • The Substance


  • I Know What You Did Last Summer


  • Aquamarine


  • Snowpiercer


Recent reviews

  • The Substance

    The Substance


    I was completely, immediately enraptured from the first minute. genuinely slack-jawed + mouth open for at least 30% of this. wow.

  • Snowpiercer



    I would probably like this far more if they had casted someone other than evans. I don't dislike him, nor do I think he is an all-around bad actor, but his performance was so incredibly stale. although maybe that's just what happens when you're graded on the tilda swinton curve

Popular reviews

  • Four Christmases

    Four Christmases

    this movie made me hate vince vaughn. i have a much lower threshold of taste for christmas movies — love actually is one of my favorite movies of all time! — but this was just completely miserable and joyless because of the insanely selfish main characters, and insufferable side characters (to no fault of the cast — kristen chenoweth i love you). the random bursts of physical comedy also really did not land for me. just an overall bummer, the opposite of what i want in a christmas movie.

  • Hatchet



    is this… a practical joke? on me, personally?

    I didn’t realize how protective I was of louisiana until I sat through this mean-spirited, elitist, unimaginative, unfunny, absolutely fuck-ugly film that exaggerates the most shallow and stereotypical aspects of LA culture.

    poor people are either dumb and disgusting or scary and savage. women are either slutty or homely and they all fucking hate each other. asian people are untrustworthy and greedy. black people are selfish cowards. look. I’m aware that stereotypes…