one of the worst Naziploitation films
not violent, little sleaze, no torture, some soft core and big bushes
kind of misses the point and the worst thing is this is the second time i watched it
very poor
one of the worst Naziploitation films
not violent, little sleaze, no torture, some soft core and big bushes
kind of misses the point and the worst thing is this is the second time i watched it
very poor
this film is an entertaining mess
comes on like a tv movie with exploitation elements (nudity, inventive kills, bad dialogue)
apart from adults playing teenagers there are no grown ups in this film, even when the killings start, and it comes across a bit like lord of the flies on a college campus
bullies are beaten then new bullies emerge
a real fun watch
what a brilliant yakuza flick
sonny is absolutely crazy in this, on the mad frankieometer he is off the scale
rival factions battle for control of recently ceeded island, theres lots of violence in this one and its a very fast paced tale
loved it