Ray Mairlot

Ray Mairlot

Favorite films

  • Interstellar
  • The Matrix
  • Man of Steel
  • Inception

Recent activity

  • Charade


  • The Mission


  • Vengeance


  • And Then There Were None


Recent reviews

  • Spice World

    Spice World


    Very hard to judge by normal film standards because nothing makes sense, but it... wasn't unenjoyable?

  • They Came Together

    They Came Together

    A parody only works if there's some kind of payoff to the jokes. This was so obviously cheesy, for the first 10 minutes I was honestly expecting it to be clever and 'break' and get to the 'real' film, but nope, that's the film.

    "Hey look, we made an obviously clichéd rom com, isn't that funny?!"
    "But what's the joke?"
    "We copied a rom com!"
    "Rom com!

Popular reviews

  • Nineteen Eighty-Four

    Nineteen Eighty-Four

    I can only presume that this film will be nearly entirely incoherent to people who haven't read the book.

    The story in the book is relatively simple, with much of it being an inner monologue of Winston's thoughts about the The Party, his life, the constant control he must have to not show any sign of non-conformity and the persistent fear of being found out.

    Thoughts might seem hard to translate directly into the medium of film, however, instead of…

  • Bronson



    This has got to be one of the weirdest films I've seen, not because of the content, but the style of storytelling.

    It feels like the film is one big montage, just when you think it'll calm down and have a scene with dialogue it's another set of jumps in time set to music. Most films have this at the beginning to introduce characters and often to quickly get across a bit of back-story and then settle down into normal…
