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Recent reviews

  • Stealing Raden Saleh

    Stealing Raden Saleh


    Aghniny could punch me in the face without any reason and i’m the one who apologize 🙏

  • 6/45



    They can make a movie that involves a legendary tense between two countries (which always too sensitive to be brought) into a very light comedy. It’s very light yet wholesome and make us laughs so hard. Fresh!!!

Popular reviews

  • Sacred 2

    Sacred 2


    Keramat 2 was reaaaaaally fun to watch. Literally fun as i mostly laugh than startled (in a positive way).

    Anyway, not as scary as first one, yet persistently horrifying on the second half. Formula and plot was still very similar to the prequel (a bunch of reckless youngsters did mistakes and got a life-changing consequences) yet they keep it fresh, a found footage film that actualized well with nowadays’ trends. not a jumpscare festive, same as the first one. But…

  • Sri Asih

    Sri Asih


    - worth the 3 years wait and the hype
    - actors are VERY great
    - CGI much improved than Gundala, especially the last fight
    - the scoring is MAJESTIC
    - the fighting choreography also TOP NOTCH (better than Gundala imo). Kudos Uwais Team 🤘🏻
    - cameraworks was magnificent even in the dynamic shots s.a fighting scene.
    - origin story from the villain was strong motivated, we know well how the villain motives
    - unexpected cameo in the middle of…