timothée chalamet said it so it must be true
~ john, 2024
"hey john, im feeling nauseous, lets watch a movie to distract me"
"thats a great idea! i know what we should watch"
possibly one of the worst films i have ever seen.
it presents to the audience a society of people who have supposedly "bred out" intelligence - implying that "stupidity" as the story tellers see it is hereditary and not, oh i dont know, maybe due to lack of education, something that can actually be fixed. it's clear pro eugenics propaganda.
this film so badly wants to be a liberal political satire but finds itself promoting the same theories found at…
i was stressed about how toxic marckie was as a friend for the whole movie
OH NO you just told my boyfriend that i cheat on him constantly, youre such a fake friend
OH NO you got dared to sleep with my (ex?) boyfriend who i cheat on constantly, this is all your fault, youre a shit friend, how dare you
girl dump that friendship jesus (i have no friendship boundaries and hang out with people who make me lose…