

Favorite films

  • La Dolce Vita
  • La Haine
  • Cinema Paradiso
  • Survive Style 5+

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  • FLCL Shoegaze


  • FLCL Grunge


  • FLCL Alternative


  • FLCL Progressive


Recent reviews

  • FLCL Shoegaze

    FLCL Shoegaze


    This one is also alright.

    Tight story and being a continuation of Alternative is quite cool. The main guy is like the most downbad in the series and it kinda pisses me off, he's ultra non chalant until he sees the main girls panties and then he switches up. Kana being back it cool and having her arc conclude is something new for the series. The animation and story are more methodical considering it takes place over like one afternoon. But, all in all this is one of the better FLCL sequels.

  • FLCL Grunge

    FLCL Grunge


    Ok I just found out everyone hated this one because it was cgi animated and they just didn't like the story. While the animation was wack, I still enjoyed this way more than Prog.

    Thus is the Grunge version of FLCL and it lives up to its name. It's weird, you have the introduction of aliens that look like the Thing from the fantastic 4. They're also some of the best charchters in Grunge. The backdrops are drawn really well…

Popular reviews

  • It Follows

    It Follows


    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

  • Bottoms



    As a young teenage girl who's a lesbian, this movie really speaks to me on a personal level.

    Jokes aside, I ain't the target demographic for this movie being a guy (I was gonna say straight, but that's highly debated), but I enjoyed it because it gave me a look into a world that I have no insight in and that's what I find most important in movies. The only thing that really held it back was PJ being kinda…
