The Cannibal Chef 🫒

The Cannibal Chef 🫒 Patron

Favorite films

  • The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
  • Little Miss Sunshine
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
  • The Witch

Recent activity

  • No Country for Old Men


  • Disobedience


  • Bullet Train


  • In Bruges


Pinned reviews

  • The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

    The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers


    Extended Edition. Ugh this is my favorite movie… The music is absolutely breathtaking. “Edoras,” “Evenstar,” “The Last March of the Ents,” and “Gollum’s Song” are highlight tracks for me. I could listen to just the soundtrack and basically rewatch the entire movie in my head. The entire Helm’s Deep battle sequence is soooo iconic and memorable, easily one of the greatest battles put to the big screen. Great characters are introduced this film, too, like the GOAT Faramir, Eowyn, King Theoden,…

  • A Complete Unknown

    A Complete Unknown


    I should note that I have been a huge fan of Bob Dylan and his music for almost a decade. I even completed a collegiate history of rock music course that spent an entire week focused on Bob Dylan's tremendous impact on folk music and the industry as a whole. Thus, I knew a lot about Dylan going into the film. A Complete Unknown still maintains Bob Dylan as this sort of musical enigma... I did not learn anything new,…

Recent reviews

  • In Bruges

    In Bruges


    A truly dark comedy. I was cracking up laughing and also deeply disturbed by some of the gore or themes. Colin Farrel and Ralph Fiennes are both so hot, despite the latter literally asking “is he doing a wee or a poo?” Just a great fucking movie. 

    2025’s Top 50

  • Bullet Train

    Bullet Train


    I want more Tangerine and Lemon, damn it! They were easily the best part of the entire movie. Ladybug was a lil too basic for me, but I’m also negatively biased towards Brad Pitt. His character was uninteresting and forgettable. The action and soundtrack were super entertaining and perfect for the senses, though. I enjoyed this film a lot. 

    2025’s Top 50

Popular reviews

  • The Royal Tenenbaums

    The Royal Tenenbaums


    I loved the cinematography and acting ensemble. It makes me wish Ben Stiller was in more Wes flicks, though!! A bittersweet film with a rich, complicated family at its core, The Royal Tenenbaums is a humurous, sad, questionable at times, and unique story that I’ll have to watch again to fully appreciate. 

    Ranked: Wes Anderson, 2024

  • TRON: Legacy

    TRON: Legacy

    This film was critical to my deep love and appreciation for EDM. Thank you Daft Punk <3