

I srsly have no clue what I’m supposed to declare here

Favorite films

  • Good Will Hunting
  • Dead Poets Society
  • Pulp Fiction
  • Donnie Darko

Recent activity

  • Prisoners


  • Parasite


  • Fantastic Mr. Fox


  • Patch Adams


Recent reviews

  • Prisoners



    The amount of things the father and the detective had to go through is intense.The father was ready to give it all just to find his daughter speaks a lot about altruism the ending left me debating whether the father is yet alive or not

  • Parasite



    TikTok overhyped this movie my standards towards it was way too high just expected more

Popular reviews

  • Patch Adams

    Patch Adams


    Never thought I’d find a robin Williams movie creepy he falls in love with a girl who probably is 10 years even more younger than him murders her by his unethical idea of opening “a free hospital” stealing materials ended up making students In college feel uncomfortable however I loved how he was very passionate about what he wanted and how a mental hospital helped him with becoming  a doctor and treating patients with some sort of humor as well as helping them but something about this movie was very repulsive

  • Fantastic Mr. Fox

    Fantastic Mr. Fox


    The connection I have with this movie is beyond belief 
    “ I think I have this thing where I need everybody to think I'm the greatest” ~ fantastic mr fox
