Atlas Tugged (on his penis)
Atlas drugged (his wife)
Atlas Bugged (me)
Atlas was kind of a Zionist
Also I lived in Doylestown for a year and it looks nothing like that.
Atlas Tugged (on his penis)
Atlas drugged (his wife)
Atlas Bugged (me)
Atlas was kind of a Zionist
Also I lived in Doylestown for a year and it looks nothing like that.
Good movie to watch when your gen x dad who reads too much jacobin has a day off work
the eyes were open the whole time. not one scene did i see tom cruise close his eyes. nor did us audience members see his penis, which was the other hopeful of this movie. in fact, one saw no penis through the entire movie.
obviously, it's iconic to the american conspiracy theory community, which I like to consider myself a part of. However, what most conspiratorial wikipedia nerds miss is that it's actually a pretty compelling allegory for cheating. so it checked all the boxes for me, love your girlfriend and always suspect the wealthy of pedophilia