

Favorite films

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  • They Live
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Recent activity

  • Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World


  • Sudden Death


  • The Thing from Another World


  • Stalker


Recent reviews

  • Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World

    Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World


    You could easily cut out 90% of this, and nothing would change.

  • Sudden Death

    Sudden Death


    The golden era of action movies was so golden that even one of its shameless ripoffs starring a guy that can barely act is a joy to watch.

Popular reviews

  • Aliens



    If the sequel to Alien was made today, it would have all the same beats as the previous film but with a higher budget. It would be a copy-cat slasher. And nothing would hit as hard because we'd already have seen the face huggers and chest busters.

    Cameron instead chooses to ground things in military sci-fi – making it half action, half monster. It's compelling as hell.

  • The Others

    The Others


    Horror works so well in period dramas because people actually believed this shit. You buy into it because they do.
